Sunday, 9 August 2015

Food processing Consultant in India

1. Make a commitment.
Deming argued that a company’s commitment to quality had to come from the top, and it had to be reinforced over and over again. Unless a business views quality as its single, non-negotiable goal, workers will inevitably feel the need to make trade offs and quality will slip.
“Constancy of purpose means that quality decisions are not situation,” writes the operational expert Rebecca A. Morgan. “End of month quality is the same as beginning of month. It means that the long term benefit of the organization is not sacrificed to hit quarterly targets.”
If you are going to commit to quality, first you must define exactly what quality is. For manufacturers, this process involves statistical quality control, the process of setting a product’s specifications , Food product consultant and then sampling a small number of units from the production line to see how closely they measure up to those specs. Standards are set and, if too much deviation occurs (or if quality appears to be trending in the wrong direction), the manufacturing process is altered.

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